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Un ristorante umbro ad Amsterdam

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Umbrian restaurant

Sometimes you are so lucky that you can taste Umbria outside the region, even outside Italy.

It’s the case if you visit a small and cozy Umbrian restaurant called “La Maschera” , located in one of Amsterdam’s most picturesque streets. It’s a branch of a very well known restaurant in Panicale, not far from Trasimeno lake, called “Lillo Tatini”.

The business is run by Federico and Marco, two young men from Italy who, after meeting and living abroad for a few years, have now decided to embark together on a challenging journey in a well known enterprise.

The best way to picture what the owners and their kitchen look like is to replicate this time on Dutch territory, the unique specialties and products (wine, oil, meat, and cheeses) which have made a hidden village situated at the border of Umbria and Tuscany and its stunning green valleys, world known. Products are strictly selected and imported from these two regions.

My Umbria sent a few trusted people to taste “La Maschera” food and everyone was so happy that we decided to recommend it.

From the extra virgin olive oil to the handmade pasta, bread and desserts, everything is done to preserve the Italian taste.

Amsterdam is a popular destination for tourists from European countries and not European ones, as the airport is an important hub: luckily many people could get a first approach to Umbrian food and perhaps decide to spend an holiday in the region.

My Umbria will be delighted to provide those guests the best itineraries in our region and food that can match what they taste in La Maschera!

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